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prop.substring(0, options.propertyNameMaxLength-3) + "..." : prop);strarr.push(":");strarr.push(recursive(propvalue, showLevels-1, indentDepth+1, options));count++;if (showLevels > 1 && count > 0) strarr.push(options.lineTerminator + indent(indentDepth, options));strarr.push("");reply = strarr.join("");else reply = "" + data;return reply;catch(err) return (err.message ? err.message : ""+err);function indent(count, options) var strarr = [];strarr.push(options.baseIndent);for (var i=0; i= 1) ele = nodes.item(0);if (ele == null) dwr.util._debug("setValue() can't find an element with id/name: " + orig + ".");return;dwr.util.highlight(ele, options);if (dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, "select")) if (ele.type == "select-multiple" && dwr.util._isArray(val)) dwr.util._selectListItems(ele, val);else dwr.util._selectListItem(ele, val);return;if (dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, "input")) if (dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, "textarea")) ele.value = val;return;if (dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, "img")) ele.src = val;return;if (val.nodeType) if (val.nodeType == 9 ) val = val.documentElement;val = dwr.util._importNode(ele.ownerDocument, val, true);ele.appendChild(val);return;if (dwr.util._shouldEscapeHtml(options)) if ("textContent" in ele) ele.textContent = val.toString();else if ("innerText" in ele) ele.innerText = val.toString();else ele.innerHTML = dwr.util.escapeHtml(val.toString());else ele.innerHTML = val;;dwr.util._selectListItems = function(ele, val) var found = 0;var i;var j;for (i = 0; i = 1) ele = nodes.item(0);if (ele == null) dwr.util._debug("getValue() can't find an element with id/name: " + orig + ".");return "";if (dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, "select")) if (ele.type == "select-multiple") var reply = new Array();for (var i = 0; i = 1) for (var i = 0; i = 1) var reply = [];for (var i = 0; i 0 && dwr.util._isObject(data[0])) for (var i = 0; i 0 && dwr.util._isObject(data[0])) for (var i = 0; i 0 && dwr.util._isObject(data[prop][0])) dwr.util._getValuesRecursive(data[prop], subidpath, depth-1, options);else if (typeof data[prop] == "function") else if (dwr.util.byId(subidpath) != null ;dwr.util.addOptions = function(ele, data ) ele = dwr.util._getElementById(ele, "addOptions()");if (ele == null) return;var useOptions = dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, "select");var useLi = dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, ["ul", "ol"]);if (!useOptions && !useLi) dwr.util._debug("addOptions() can only be used with select/ul/ol elements. Attempt to use: " + dwr.util._detailedTypeOf(ele));return;if (data == null) return;var argcount = arguments.length;var options = ;var lastarg = arguments[argcount - 1];if (argcount > 2 && dwr.util._isObject(lastarg)) options = lastarg;argcount--;var arg3 = null; if (argcount >= 3) arg3 = arguments[2];var arg4 = null; if (argcount >= 4) arg4 = arguments[3];if (!options.optionCreator && useOptions) options.optionCreator = dwr.util._defaultOptionCreator;if (!options.optionCreator && useLi) options.optionCreator = dwr.util._defaultListItemCreator;options.document = ele.ownerDocument;var text, value, li;if (dwr.util._isArray(data)) for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) options.data = data[i];options.text = null;options.value = null;if (useOptions) if (arg3 != null) if (arg4 != null) options.text = dwr.util._getValueFrom(data[i], arg4);options.value = dwr.util._getValueFrom(data[i], arg3);else options.text = options.value = dwr.util._getValueFrom(data[i], arg3);else options.text = options.value = dwr.util._getValueFrom(data[i]);if (options.text != null else options.value = dwr.util._getValueFrom(data[i], arg3);if (options.value != null) li = options.optionCreator(options);if (dwr.util._shouldEscapeHtml(options)) options.value = dwr.util.escapeHtml(options.value);li.innerHTML = options.value;ele.appendChild(li);else if (arg4 != null) if (!useOptions) alert("dwr.util.addOptions can only create select lists from objects.");return;for (var prop in data) options.data = data[prop];options.value = dwr.util._getValueFrom(data[prop], arg3);options.text = dwr.util._getValueFrom(data[prop], arg4);if (options.text != null else if (!useOptions) dwr.util._debug("dwr.util.addOptions can only create select lists from objects.");return;for (var prop in data) options.value) var opt = options.optionCreator(options);opt.text = options.text;opt.value = options.value;ele.options[ele.options.length] = opt;dwr.util.highlight(ele, options);;dwr.util._getValueFrom = function(data, method) if (method == null) return data;else if (typeof method == 'function') return method(data);else return data[method];;dwr.util._defaultOptionCreator = function(options) return options.document.createElement("option");;dwr.util._defaultListItemCreator = function(options) return options.document.createElement("li");;dwr.util.removeAllOptions = function(ele) ele = dwr.util._getElementById(ele, "removeAllOptions()");if (ele == null) return;var useOptions = dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, "select");var useLi = dwr.util._isHTMLElement(ele, ["ul", "ol"]);if (!useOptions && !useLi) dwr.util._debug("removeAllOptions() can only be used with select, ol and ul