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Ryan Harris
Ryan Harris

Quartus Download Lite: Free Software for Intel's Low-Cost FPGA Devices

Thanks for the direct download link. I failed to download it from the download page. No matter what browser I use, no matter how much I reload the page, it never worked. Clicking download button does absolutely nothing.

The FPGAcademy tutorials and laboratory exercises rely on various software tools. For Digital Logic, the main tools are the Intel Quartus Prime CAD system, the ModelSim* and Questa* Simulators, and the DESim application software. The Computer Organization material also relies somewhat on Quartus Prime, but mostly depends on the Monitor Program and the CPUlator tool. Embedded Systems relies on a special distribution of Linux, which comes with various software development tools. The Compute Acceleration materials require a licensed version of Quartus Prime that is available via the Intel DevCloud. Intel Quartus Prime The Intel Quartus Prime software is a complete CAD system for the design of logic circuits using Intel FPGAs. We recommend downloading and using the Quartus Prime Lite version, because it does not require a license. This software can be downloaded from Intel (registration with Intel may be required). When downloading Quartus Prime you should choose a specific version that matches your selected release version on the FPGAcademy Tutorials, Courses, and other pages. You should download both the Quartus Prime tools as well as the ModelSim*-Intel FPGA Edition software, or the Questa*-Intel FPGA Edition software (see below).

quartus download lite

ModelSim and Questa are widely-used simulators for VHDL and Verilog code. You can download these simulators from Intel along with your selected version of the Quartus Prime software (see above). Quartus Prime releases before version 21 include the ModelSim simulator, and Quartus Prime releases starting with version 21 include the Questa simulator. Each of these software packages can be downloaded and installed as part of a Quartus Prime release, or they can alternatively be downloaded as individual files and installed separately via Intel's software download webpages. The Quartus Prime Lite releases prior to version 21 include the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Starter Edition software, which does not require a license to be used. Quartus Prime Lite releases starting with version 21 include the Questa-Intel FPGA Edition software, which requires a free annual license that you can obtain from Intel.

During the set-up process, you'll be asked to install support files for different Intel FPGAs. However, don't install any boards for now. Instead, navigate to Intel's download page and search for the FPGA family you want to use. Make sure to select the same version of Quartus that you installed on your computer:

Then, scroll down and select Cyclone V device support if you're using the Arduino MKR Vidor 4000. For now, just download the support files and wait for the installation of the IDE to finish.

Last week I was trying to access the quartus web site to download and there was no way to add an account. I figured it was due to the pending cut over to the intel web site. Now this week it looks like you could possibly login with your intel account but that seems screwed now as I cannot even login to Intel's main web site any longer. Also getting no response from password reset requests.

hi,quartus new download link should be this one: FPGA Software Download Centerof course you need to register in order to download it.note that in addition to quartus lite you can also download quartus standard with a 30 day trial period.

Just installed the package, along with devinfo for cyclone. I don't have a quartus binary in my PATH. After inspecting the package files all the binaries are placed in /opt/intelFPGA/21.1/quartus/. Is this the intended structure? Is this a requirement that I need to add this to my PATH?

There are 6 steps: downloading, installing, initialising the environment, fixing libaries, getting the license and getting the license to work. If you follow the steps correctly (and have a fast internet connection), you can get it all done in 2 hours.

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what are the features of intel quartus prime software editions (pro, standard, and lite)

what are the differences between intel quartus prime software versions (20.1.1, 18.1, 17.1, etc.)

what are the device families supported by intel quartus prime software editions and versions (agilex, stratix, arria, cyclone, max, etc.)

what are the system requirements for intel quartus prime software (operating system, disk space, memory, etc.)

where to find documentation for intel quartus prime software (user guides, installation and licensing manual, release notes, etc.)

where to find support for intel quartus prime software (knowledge base, problems and answers, critical issues and patches, customer notification mailing list, etc.)

Be prepared to download almost 30GB of software. If you have multiple instances, you can simply sync directories. There are two locations to download Quartus from: the default Quartus download and the OpenCL download. Be sure you pick the OpenCL download! There are two steps: the 16.0.0 and then the 16.0.2 update.

When you receive the license file, it needs to be placed in /home/yourusername/altera/ and renamed to license.dat. It should also work with Quartus 15, so can use your current license when 15 was already installed. Run quartus again to see if it worked, and/or run aoc -v to see if the OpenCL license is active.

Quartus Prime Lite and Questa can be installed with the quartus-freeAUR meta-package. This meta-package will also install device support for every supported device family. To save on disk space once the package is built, you can install only the necessary components. For example:

quartus-free-quartus requires quartus-free-devinfo, which is provided by any one of the packages with a quartus-free-devinfo- prefix. For example, install the quartus-free-devinfo-cyclonevAUR dependency if you have a Cyclone V FPGA.

Quartus II 13.0 Web Edition is "the last version to support Cyclone II and earlier FPGAs", so install quartus-free-130AUR instead of quartus-free if support for such devices is needed. See also quartus-130AUR for the SP1 Subscription Edition.

Another possible cause may be a missing 32-bit version of [2]. lib32-systemd provides this shared object, so make sure it is installed. (This should already be the case since it is a transitive dependency of quartus-free-quartusAUR.)

Quartus can be downloaded from Intel's website: 1) Go to 2) Under the "PRODUCTS" tab, find the "FPGAs & Programmable Devices" category3) Select "Intel Quartus Prime Design Software"4) Go to the "Download" tab to download the appropriate edition and version for your operating system.From Intel's website, you can download either the Standard Edition or the Lite Edition of Quartus Prime for Windows or Linux to install on your own PC/laptop. Quartus Prime Lite Edition is a free, no license required version of Quartus. Students can use it to compile their projectsand download the projects to their DE1-SoC boards, if they have their own DE1-SoC boards at home. The Quartus Prime LiteEdition can be used without network access, but it does not have all features.

Our labs will use DE1-SoC boards, which belong Cyclone V family. Therefore three files are essential to download forour lab projects. They are: 1) "Quartus Prime (include NIOS II EDS)", 2) "ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition(includes Starter Edition)", and3) "Cyclone V device support".

In case need to set up license in the middle of using Quartus II. The steps are as follows: Under Tools License Setup, type in "" for the license file.NOTE: quartus might still complain about the license if you try to compileor simulate your projects. If that happens, just execute the compile/executecommand again and it should work fine. Check with the TAs to make sure the license file name has not changed.

The major steps to create a projects and program the FPGA on DE1-SoC boards are: 1) Start Quartus Prime.2) Set up license, if it is required.3) Create a new project by File New, then select "New Quartus Prime Project". Or by File New Project Wizard. If you have a project ready, then open it by File Open Project.4) Specify a working directory, a project name, and a name of the top-level design entry for the project. "the project must have a name, which is usually the same as the top level design entity..." NOTE: Please avoid saving the project on the desktop in the lab computers because the path to the working directory will contain spaces, and this will give troubles to Quartus to compile and to download the program to DE1-SoC. Save on your Z: drive, which is actually your file space on our department file server, or save in other folders instead.5) For Family and Device Settings: The DE1-SoC board belongs to "Cyclone V" family, the FPGA is called "5CSEMA5F31C6".6) For EDA Tool Settings: leave it as default, if no third party tools will be used.7) Add new files to the project by File New, then select the the types of Design Files such as VHDL, AHDL, or Verilog HDL files.8) Remember to set a project file as the Top-Level Entity file by right click the file name in the Project navigator window while the "Files" tab is selected, then select "Set as Top-Level Entity" in the context menu. The Top-Level Entity is the root of a project design hierarchy. it is like the main function in C program. 9) If the project needs to use the buttons, switches, LEDs or other actual components on the DE1-SoC boards, users need to complete pin assignment steps. A convenient way to use the actual components on DE1-SoC boards is as follows: In the project, use the signal names in the same way as specified in DE1-SoC user manual. For example: for the 10 toggle switches the signal names should be : SW[0], SW[1]....SW[9], then assign pins by simply importing a pin assignment file, DE1_SoC.qsf which is provided by Altera and can be found on our course web page and in your provided lab materials. To import a pin assignment file, click Assignment import assignment, then select the .qsf file.10) Compile the project by Processing Start Compilation, or by click the icon on the tool bar. 11) Prepare the hardware to download the program to DE1-SoC board. This include: power on the DE1-SoC board, connect the USB/Blaster cable, and set the switch 10 properly.12) Download the project to DE1-SoC board by Tools Programmer, or by click the icon on the Quartus tool bar. Depending on your system setup, you may need the following steps to program the FPGA on DE1-SoC boards: a) If the Programmer window shows "No Hardware" for hardware setup, you need to click the button "Hardware Setup", then in the opened Hardware Setup window, double click "DE-SoC" and then close the window.b) Now the Programmer window should look like the following image:c) In the lower part of your Programmer window, if the devices, "SOCVHPS" and "5CSEMA5", are not configured in the same way as shown in the above figure, you can delete all the devices, then click the "Auto Detect" button, and then select device "5CSEMA5". d) In the upper part of the Programmer window, RIGHT click the line for device "5CVSEMA5" and select "Change File", and then select the compile project .sof file. e) After the output file is changed, tick the check box in the "Program/Configure" column, and then click button "Start" on the left side to program FPGA."Can I leave the FPGA plugged in 24/7?"


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